Merry Christmas, Darling!

I know how much you love the stained glass in houses all across Chicago, so you and I are going on a stained glass adventure!

Our first stop is Goddess and the Baker, because we need breakfast and we'll happen to be downtown, because next...

I've got us tickets to the Driehaus Museum which has some of the most beautiful, ornate stained glass of the Gilded Age!

Then we're off on a Northside antique crawl! Our mission is to see if we can find a piece of stained glass to hang over one of the windows in the apartment and bring that beauty home.

So, I've selected the best: Andersonville Antiques, Broadway Antique Market, Brownstone Antiques, and Evanstonia Antiques. Hours of wandering among cool and beautiful things.

(P.S. You might expect another website this year... Maybe a portfolio?)